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Can anyone tell me how to write a Java program to reverse a given sentence?
For example, if the input is:
Java Program to reverse each word in String. We can reverse each word of a string by the help of reverse(), split() and substring() methods. By using reverse() method of StringBuilder class, we can reverse given string. I'm trying to reverse the words in a string. https://jacksongol.netlify.app/klonk-image-measurement-keygen-serial.html. This if the input is. The quick brown fox the expected output is, fox brown quick The I'm following a simple algortihm, reverse the whole sentence and then reverse the words back. This is my code.
'This is an interview question'
I have written a program to reverse the words in a string. If i/p is 'The dog is chasing' then o/p should be 'chasing is dog The' public class String_reverse { public. How to reverse words in a sentence without using split or string tokenizer. I/p:- how are you O/p:- you are how. There are lots of people here who will freely give their time to help you become the best Java programmer you can be. There's nobody here who is interested in coding your homework for you. Requirement is to only reverse the.
To reverse, you can simply pop individual words onto a stack and pop them all back off when there are no words left. (Just to be extra clear, Java does provide a Stack class, so it is possible to use this method in Java as well). This java example shows how to reverse the characters in each word in a of a sentence. Source: (ReverseWord.java) public class ReverseWord { public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { String sentence = 'It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
The output must be:
'question interview an is this'
Tot Zam14 Answers
You split the string by the space then iterate over it backwards to assemble the reversed sentence.
Tot Zam(using ArrayUtils
and StringUtils
from commons-lang, but these are easy methods to write - just a few loops)
Just being different: a recursive solution. Doesn't add any extra spaces.
I will also improve on the split
solution by using b
instead (it's so obvious!).
https://cngol.netlify.app/miyuki-miyabeico-castle-in-the-mist-epub-to-mobi.html. Bozho already gave a great Java-specific answer, but in the event you ever need to solve this problem without Java API methods: Woolfy odyssey rapidshare files.
To reverse, you can simply pop individual words onto a stack
and pop them all back off when there are no words left.
(Just to be extra clear, Java does provide a Stack
class, so it is possible to use this method in Java as well).
Just split it on a space character into a string array, then loop over the array in reverse order and construct the output string.
Rich AdamsRich Adamsa every boring bit of java:
in groovy it's a little bit more readable:
Gareth DavisGareth DavisI also give it a try: Here's a version using a stack and a scanner:
nicer approach probably. had seen the logic somewhere.here is my code which might do the job.
I don't think you should use any library. 1) Reverse whole string 2) Reverse each word.
Rajender SainiRajender SainiNo one has mentioned a vanilla Java 8 based solution yet, which is the same as Bozho's, but without any third-party libraries. So here it is:
please try below solution, this is working for me.
Before StringTokenizer was declared legacy, many used StringTokenizer for this. Thought I would just leave it here.
Program To Reverse The Number
protected by KevJul 22 '12 at 13:57
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